Specially Designed Flap Disc for Grinding Aluminum. These flap discs contain a calcium stearate coating that liquefies under heat to keep the disc cooler and to prevent loading on soft materials such as aluminum, bronze and copper.
We are a broad line supplier of abrasives, metalworking, maintenance, repair and operating (MRO) products for industrial customers. We support the manufacturing sector through many industries including: aerospace, agriculture, automotive, casting & foundries, defense, electronics, energy, furniture, medical, metalworking and plastics / composites. Please call 616-228-0650 or e-mail info@lehighvalleyabrasives.com for any questions, or if you need an item you do not see on our website.
Lehigh Valley Abrasives
4050 Roger B Chaffee Memorial Blvd
Grand Rapids, MI 49548
Phone: (616) 228-0650
Fax: (616) 228-0640