Low Speed Electric Straight Grinder
Standard Equipment:
USK 15 - R
1/4" collet
Set wrenches
All abrasives up to 10" diameter wheels can be used with the USK 3 - R.
Technical Data
Speed: 6800 - 14500 rpm
2HP - 120 volt
Posted by James Garvey on 18th Aug 2017
Suhner Die Grinder USK-15R
review comment, August 17, 2017
Although I have more than four decades of experience, when I begin to work with a grinder it is necessary to re-establish "visceral attention"; it is much faster than cognitive control of the task. A Suhner engineer made it so the top speed does not happen instantly; it raises the speed as you get going. This gives operator a grace period for "visceral control" to become active. This subtle feature has a significant benefit for a die grinder operator; it has much lower risk of mishap. In my experience, 'wicked malfunction' occurs with first contact to work surface before the operator has engaged "visceral attention".
James Garvey, Artist-blacksmith